其實我都跟過好幾個唔同食譜整 vegan muffin,但始終發覺無加雞蛋落去整的話,個 texture 入口係會比較黏口,中式發糕情況都一樣,但好多人又話唔覺,唔通係我要求太高!? :-w
呢個 muffin 都係參考自型仔廚師 Ryoya 嘅 Matcha & Adzuki beans Muffin (vegan) 食譜,算係我整過咁多 vegan muffin 之中 texture 最好,相對叫做無咁黏口,但我覺得始終都係唔及加咗雞蛋般清爽。
泡打粉 1/2 茶匙
抹茶粉 1 茶匙
紅豆餡 適量
- 所有粉類混合過篩 2 次;全部濕料攪拌均勻。
- 將濕料倒入乾料內,用膠刮快手略攪拌均勻後,加入紅豆餡拌勻。
- 將麵糊勺入模內,放入已預熱至 180 ℃ 嘅焗爐內,焗約 20 - 25 分鐘即成。
以上材料份量可做鬆餅 4 個。
因為試新 vegan 食譜,都係少少哋整 4 個試吓先好喇,
好多素友都話整 vegan 糕點時要落少少醋,藉著酸性
Vegan do not eat honey. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganism#Eggs.2C_dairy.2C_honey.2C_silk
回覆刪除其實蜂蜜係一樣比較多爭議嘅食材,網上都有相關資料及討論認為蜂蜜唔係 vegan food,但我自己覺得最重要係自己清楚知道自己嘅取態,跟住自己目標及方向走便可以,正如有好些人已經長期素食,但心裡一直會有記掛或回味肉香,咁樣食素法並唔係真心,即使係嚴格純素食者都失去原有意義!
刪除Anyway 都多謝 Jenny B 妳嘅意見及指點。
刪除My husband is vegan, he doesn't eat honey, product that contain honey is not consider vegan (We have a yoghurt in Australia that's diary free however it's not vegan because it contains honey). It's vegetarian indeed but not vegan.
刪除The term vegan was coined by Donald Watson in 1944 and was defined as follows:
刪除Veganism is a way of living which excludes all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom, and includes a reverence for life. It applies to the practice of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals.
Sourced from http://vegetus.org/honey/honey.htm.