真係勁多嘢食喎,又有得食、又有得飲,其實全部都係 Lily 去完旅行買俾我哋嘅手信,有海南島咖啡啦、青島嘅啤酒豆、台灣薄紙燒牛肉乾,仲有樽 "冒牌曼秀雷敦" o添!佢話擔心我食完自己買果樽之後會無得食,所以買定多樽俾我喎!哈哈,真係細心喇。
至於隻 Maxwell 咖啡,就係佢個 "咖啡老嚮" friend 飲過話好得,但喺香港已經再搵唔到有得賣,今次佢哋喺大陸見到有得賣,就當然立即入貨啦,所以 Lily 就俾咗兩包我試飲,遲啲沖嚟飲睇吓係咪好正先!
Lily, thank you very much!!
o...not at all. actually those are not beef, that's pork, although her shop name xxxx beef...., we bought pork only. no worry, u can eat anyway...&唔好意思,淋左,as i know some of u having 烤爐, which can make it back to crispy. 南國coffee taste a little bit sweet, maxwell剛剛好, but maybe bitter for somebody. & how's about shan response when she got that m-chocolate?! pls tell her no need to 回禮, there's no need to have the real one for me...heheeeee :p
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/01/2009 23:41:00] Oh yes, that's pork instead of beef! I just type the wrong word!
I tasted the Hai Nam coffee already, but I don't think it's really good, it sounds too sweet for me! Shan like the M-chocolate very much & very happy!! She want to get your contact no. & say thank you to you. Do you will to let her know?