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噚日行吉之島超市,發現銀寶無鹽牛油減價,只賣 $26.5,比起百佳、惠康賣 $32.5平得多,所以我都買定兩舊預備整餅同蛋糕,如果我有 J card,仲有額外 95折 o添,因為噚日係吉之島感謝日。
原本想話俾明仔聽,等佢都去買番舊,點知佢話荃灣有間烘焙店都只係賣 $21,不過無法啦,我唔知嘛,下次先走去睇睇啦!
你去二德惠買啦, 平好多ga. http://www.twinsco.com/ [版主回覆02/23/2009 11:48:00] Yes, I know it, that's the one my friend told me. But there isn't such shop in my living area. Anyway, thank you very much!
你去二德惠買啦, 平好多ga.
[版主回覆02/23/2009 11:48:00] Yes, I know it, that's the one my friend told me. But there isn't such shop in my living area.
Anyway, thank you very much!